Eye Care Professionals and Hearing Diagnostics
Advanced diagnostic tools that improve your ability to identify pathology and track change over time.
NEW FastTrac™ retinal tracking system
NEW Macular Thickness OU Analysis
Advanced RPE analysis
Ganglion Cell Analysis
Guided Progression Analysis (GPA™)
Precision FoveaFinder™
Macular Thickness and Change Analysis
- Macular Thickness Normative Data
CIRRUS HD-OCT systems provide a great solution for comprehensive ophthalmic practices and offers essential OCT capabilities with a broad range of clinical applications in an easy-to-learn, easy-to-use instrument for the management of glaucoma and retinal disease, retina assessment for cataract surgery, and anterior segment imaging for corneal disease.
The new OCT camera enables quick OCT fundus image refresh making patient alignment more efficient.
CIRRUS HD-OCT 5000 is configured with the highest resolution visualization capabilities and sophisticated clinical applications such as Advanced RPE analysis to track retinal pigment epithelial integrity and Ganglion Cell Analysis to assess glaucomatous loss in the macula that may not be evident in the peripapillary region.
The new FastTrac™ retinal tracking reduces eye motion artifacts without sacrificing patient throughput with a proprietary scan acquisition strategy, high speed 20 Hz LSO camera, and single-pass alignment scanning. This feature enables the highest resolution B-Scans to be captured in identical locations from visit to visit providing precise assessment of change in targeted pathologies.
NEW FastTrac™ retinal tracking system
NEW Macular Thickness OU Analysis
Advanced RPE analysis
Ganglion Cell Analysis
Guided Progression Analysis (GPA™)
Precision FoveaFinder™
Macular Thickness and Change Analysis
Image Courtesy of https://www.lecturio.com/magazine/age-related-disorders/ Image : “Hypertensive retinopathy” by Frank Wood. License: CC BY-SA 3.0
Age-related Disorders of the Eye: Cataracts, Presbyopia (Age-related farsightedness), Hypertensive Retinopathy and Vitreous Degeneration
Normal Retina Image
Image cortesy de http://keywordsuggest.org/gallery/186228.html
Imagen cortesia de http://www.newdevelopments.nl/pdf/Klevering%20OCT.pdf
Open Angle eye image
Images Courtesy of https://www.octscans.com/retinal-detachment.html
Some Images of Retina with Pathology
Normal Layers of Human Retina
Normal and Non-Normal Versions of Retina
Image courtesy of https://www.allaboutvision.com/conditions/
Above Images are a sample of
macular degeneration
Children's exams and diagnostics
Imagen cortesia de Youtube.com
Information on Anisometropia and Ambliopia is based on following web site:
Image courtesy of Wikipedia
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